For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. ~Matt. 18:20
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Quick Bytes #12: Looking Back
Did I grow closer to God this year?
A Blessed and Happy New Year to all of you.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Feast of the Holy Family
"The Holy Family is an icon of the domestic Church, which is called to pray together. The family is the first school of prayer where, from their infancy, children learn to perceive God thanks to the teaching and example of their parents. An authentically Christian education cannot neglect the experience of prayer. If we do not learn to pray in the family, it will be difficult to fill this gap later. I would, then, like to invite people to rediscover the beauty of praying together as a family, following the school of the Holy Family of Nazareth".
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Christmas Homily
What a wonderful day is Christmas. Everyone seems happy and full of good cheer and so it should be. But what does Christmas mean to you and me, to other people and to God?
It breaks my heart to say that for many Christmas day can be summed up in the words, "Eat drink and be merry", just having what some would say a good time. There are some who don't even know the reason why we celebrate Christmas. Their celebrations can be summed up in the story of this little boy. A teacher wanted to begin spiritually preparing her class for Christmas. Her first question was, "Who was born in a stable?" One little boy put up his hand and said, "Miss, I was most certainly not born in a stable!" Neither did he know that the Lord Jesus was born in one. If you were to ask him what Christmas was all about he would tell you about Santa Claus and the presents he would receive. That and nothing more.
If you were to ask God what Christmas means to Him He would tell us it was the fulfilment of the plan He formed before time began. That it was always His intention to be loved perfectly by one of His creatures. He created men and women in His own image. They were the pinnacle of His creation. It was His will that in return one of these creatures should love Him perfectly. This is where His Son volunteered to be that Person. It was as if His Son said, "Father, I will be the One to love You perfectly."
Now He would have to find a woman who would accept to be the mother of His Son. The woman He chose was Mary, the virgin girl from Nazareth, who was betrothed to a man named Joseph. God prepared her to be His Son's mother by giving her the unique privilege of the Immaculate Conception and being sinless all her life. Mary accepted this vocation with the words, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Let what you have said be done to me." Those are the happiest words ever said by a descendant of our first parents. When Mary said those generous words, by the power of the Holy Spirit, God the Son was conceived in her womb. Nine months later Jesus was born in Bethlehem. That's what Christmas means to God and that's what Christmas means to you and me.
We thank God our Father that despite our sinfulness and our coldness every year He allows us to celebrate the birthday of His Son. Jesus, we thank You for becoming a man for us and for raising our human nature to such an exalted level. We thank Mary for being the chosen person to bring Jesus to us for without her there would have been no Jesus. We thank you Joseph for the protection you gave Jesus and Mary your wife.
Lord Jesus, we celebrate your birthday. We want to have a worthy heart prepared for You. Please help us to make it warm and comfortable. Make up what is lacking in our poor efforts to please You. O King of Glory, may our every thought, word and deed of this day be a fitting homage for Your coming.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
She Didn't Understand
The pastor of the host parish offered a wonderful homily and something he said several times has stuck with me into the next day and has become a meditation for me as I go about my day.
I thought I'd share my thoughts with you here:
In speaking about The Annunciation, Father S. drew our attention to the fact, that even after Mary knew that her visitor was an angel of God...and even after she listened to his message AND his subsequent explanation of how the events being foretold would come to be...
The Virgin Mary, the one, whom from all time was chosen, destined, prepared, and preserved in order to one day find herself greeted by an Angel and asked to be the mother of the Messiah...
Mary was confused. She was "in the dark". She could not comprehend what was happening; much less God's WILL for her life...SHE WAS CLUELESS.
All that she knew was that she, like her people, had long-been awaiting the coming of a Savior.
She knew/believed that there was a God.
She knew/believed that it was His Angel who was speaking to her.
She knew of all that, but beyond it...
In fact, she no more understood what was happening or going to happen any more than WE do today...even after all these years and what we've learned since then!
The beauty of this idea is what came next.
This young girl, even though she was confused...even though she did not understand...and even though she was troubled in her heart...TRUSTED COMPLETELY and SAID "YES" to God.
She did not hesitate. She did not demand further explanation. She did not ask for a sign (though, it could be said, God offered her one in the pregnancy of Elizabeth for in seeing her cousin with-child, Mary then knew that what had happened to her was REAL and was TRUE) and she did not stop to consider the consequences which might befall her...
She simply surrendered all to God and made herself available to Him as His chosen vessel!
We must be like Mary.
How many times do we cry out that "we do not understand"?
We do not understand why children and good people must suffer.
We do not understand why we do "x, y, and z" with our families according to the Teachings of the Church and yet, our lives end up tossed about in turmoil and confusion and it seems that those who have fallen away or have never known God to begin with, are often, (it appears) "better-off".
We do not understand the mysteries of our Faith, nor do we understand the depth or infinite components of God's love and mercy.
We do not understand why we feel so lonely when we are surrounded by people.
We do not understand what He is asking of us half the time...or if our choices/decisions reflect His will/plan.
But, even so...we can be like Mary.
We can go forth, on bended knee, in humility and with complete trust ...
We need not ask for explanation...or wait for an audible/clear answer...
It is good enough to know that He is there and that He is GOD...our loving Father in heaven.
SHE DID NOT UNDERSTAND any more than we do.
Let us, like her, make ourselves "handmaids" and invite
"it to be done unto us according to His Word".
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Color Me Catholic Review
This kit is small enough for little hands and simple enough for them to use. I brought it to my first grade Religious Education class and my students became excited over it. They loved the smallness of it and going through and trying to identify the pictures they knew. They also began spontaneously quizzing each other to see who could name the pictures. It was fun for them and I will be using it as an on-going instructional tool in my classroom. I believe my 11 year old even learned a thing or two by reading through the mini-booklets!
Monica assists in the work of God... she helps to "equip the called" by creating colorful and simple activities and crafts for children. I would highly recommend checking out her products at Arma Dei or her blog, Equipping Catholic Families.
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Materialist! Moi?
Monday, December 19, 2011
Quick Bytes #11: Strength
Maybe you failed a test and you had to get them to sign the paper.
Or maybe you got detention, and had to fess up.
Dented Dad's car?
Broke Mom's favorite statue?
Do you remember the lump in your throat as you thought through how to deliver the news? You played out all the scenarios ... and none ended well.
Do you remember the moment right before you spilled the news?
"Mom? Dad? There is something I have to tell you ...."
Now imagine what Mary felt like when she had to tell her parents she was pregnant.
And it was God's child.
A statement that, given her situation, would bring great embarrassment to the family.
And possible death to herself.
And then she had to tell her husband ...
What strength our Blessed Mother had.
God Bless you.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Simbang Gabi
Advent Blessings to all,
Friday, December 16, 2011
Seven Days In Utopia
Seven Days in Utopia stars Robert Duvall and Lucas Black. Black's character, Luke Chisolm is a golf pro who has a meltdown on the course during his debut at a PGA tournament. While driving a country road he has a bit of a car wreck and ends up in the town of Utopia. Here he meets Duvall's character, Johnny Crawford. Crawford promises Chisolm that if he spends seven days in this little town, he will get his golf game back. What Chisolm never saw coming was that he would get more than his game back. Crawford would also teach him the importance of faith and relationships. Crawford also shows Chisolm how to bury the lies he has believed about himself and life, and how to reveal the truths. Crawford gives him three little letters:S,F,T~ See, Feel, Trust. This Chisolm will come to see applies to his golf game, his life, and his faith.
You don't need to be a golf fan to enjoy this movie, but of you are, it has its share of real life golf pros. Put this one on your to watch list; you will be glad you did. There are lessons we can all take from this one~golfer or not.
You can watch the trailer below for a sneak preview.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Chip butty sarnie?
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Patiently Bear Weaknesses
We want to get together and enjoy one another, but in the pit of our stomachs we may experience a grinding anxiety over what could happen when Uncle Off I. Cious, Aunt Whine. E. Pants, Sister Daffy, Brother Crit I. Cal, In-law Hair Trigg R. Temper and the rest all come together under the same roof. And let's not forget about me: diagnosed with a severe case of Foot-in-Mouth disease that seems incurable even after years of treatment.
We want peace and joy. We are supposed to be celebrating Jesus' birthday, aren't we? But many families have a certain amount of disfunctionality that belies all those happy faces in the ads and on cards. It can really drain away our peace of mind. The family get-together becomes something to be endured and gotten through rather than a fun occasion full of love and laughter and something we look forward to.
So what's the answer? St. Benedict, the practical and wise tells us in chapter 72 of his rule. It's not just for monks. We average Joes can live it, too. When I read it this morning I immediately thought of everyone going through family difficulties during the holidays.
Let them bear most patiently one another's infirmities, whether of body or of character.
This eagerness to live for others leads us to help another bear his burden. It is not only to put up with another's weaknesses, but also to carry, bear, shoulder lovingly the infirmities of others. "Bear ye one another's burdens," says St. Paul to the Galatians (6:2).
Father Gerard Ellspermann, O.S.B. commenting on this phrase of the rule writes:
"Bear them most patiently" means, too, that we suffer with the other one -- and that most patiently. The Latin word, patior, means in its reflexive sense, "I suffer, I myself suffer, I suffer myself." It is only when we can't stand ourselves that we begin to take it out on others and become impatient with others. "Most patiently" is one of those phrases we can stop on, think about, and pray about.
The highlighted sentence really brought me up short. What is it about the relatives that they can't stand about themselves? What is it about me that I can't stand? Whoa.
Father Gerard goes on:
This work of accommodating ourselves to one another in the community is a continual struggle. Not only is tolerance necessary, but it is also one of the bet ways to make our following of Christ practical. Perhaps what is even more necessary than tolerance is a sense of compassion after the mind of Christ.And pray for us as we gather to celebrate the birth of Christ in our families so that we may experience peace and joy in each other's company and cut one another some slack.
Actually, we are back again to charity that is manifested in mutual regard and mutual kindness. While we share many advantages with each other, we also have to endure with tireless patience the differences among ourselves. The nationalities represented in one community, the differences in temperament, the superiority of some and the rivalry of others are all embraced under bearing the infirmities of others, be they of body or character.
St. Benedict, patient with the weakness of monks, pray for us.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Quick Bytes #10: Waiting
There is anticipation in the air...
But are we waiting for a Baby bearing gifts and throwing parties?
Or One bringing salvation?
(Sometimes it's awfully hard to tell...)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
St Nicholas and Christmas all year round.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Memorial of St. Ambrose
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Wisdom in Our Youth
Her topic was to be "The True Meaning of Christmas and Keeping a Holy Focus During this Season" from a teen's perspective.
I was greatly inspired by several things my daughter shared.
I don't know about you, but whenever I have the opportunity to be exposed to faithful, zealous, devout youth, I instantly have renewed HOPE for the future. (I had this feeling when reading Kathryn's recent post on this blog about FOCUS)
Truly, it will be the grass-roots uprising of YOUTH who want to restore the Church, Family, and Nation that will change the world...loving Christ and sharing Him with day at a time.
One of the things my daughter mentioned in her talk that moved me so was this: She said that she feels we, as people celebrating the Advent/Christmas Season tend to pay too much attention to "public influence" and not enough attention to "The Ultimate Influence".
I love that. "Ultimate Influence".
I wonder how different the average day in America would look if we would all strive to take these words of a young teen to would the streets look...and the stores...and the homes of families across the country?
My daughter also said that we need to enjoy the "present moments" of our lives more...and that "rolling out cookie dough and cutting out snowflakes, are far more important than they seem to us at the time".
Wow! Such insight from someone so young; and also, for me, as her mother, such a blessing to know that she "gets it" and that these moments in our own family life have reached her heart and have drawn her closer to God.
Finally, my daughter said something that has become my own meditation for this Advent Season. I thanked her for teaching me and leading me to Christ. She said that rather than trying to "make the best of Christmas", she feels that she needs to try to "make the best of HERSELF DURING Christmas".
Wow, again!
That, after all, IS the true essence of Advent, is it not?
Preparing our hearts, best we can, to meet Our Savior in His Coming; both at Christmas time and in the end of ALL time.
So often, the media and even the casual conversations of everyday people, seem to be flooded with stories of fallen away youth; irreverent youth, lukewarm youth, disrespectful youth.
I thank God for the glimpses He gives me of youth that are close to His Divine Son...youth that DO care about their fellowman, youth that understand the real point of holy days like Christmas, and youth that are willing and courageous enough to share their insights and wisdom with others...
This talk reminded me of another Youth...a Divine Youth, who was found teaching the teachers in the temple, one day. So too, was my daughter, "teaching the teachers" as she ministered to her own pastor and the ladies of our parish.
I am now trying to make the best of myself during this beautiful Advent Season.
I hope you will do the same.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Mary, Masterpiece of the Holy Spirit
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El Greco, Saint John Contemplates the Immaculate Conception, Church of Saint Leocadia and Saint Roman; Museum of Santa Cruz, Toledo.
The commentary on this picture in the Compendium was illuminating to me. Click the hyperlink to read more on how Mary is our teacher and guide for living in the Spirit.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Truth with Zeal
The Holy Spirit gives us joy. And He is joy. Joy is the gift in which all the other gifts are included. It is the expression of happiness, of being in harmony with ourselves, that which can only come from being in harmony with God and with his creation. It belongs to the nature of joy to be radiant; it must communicate itself. The missionary spirit of the Church is none other than the impulse to communicate the joy which has been given.
~Pope Benedict XVI, Christmas Address to the Roman Curia, 2008
Wondering where the new evangelization is? Here in our little midwest town, we are witnessing the new evangelization through an amazing group of Catholic missionaries, known as the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS).
Here in our town, Christ has brought the Catholic faith alive for college students across campus and across our community through the efforts of the FOCUS missionaries here. There are between 60 - 80 college students who attend daily Mass at the Newman Center. These students are reverent and love tradition. They are on fire for their faith and are are an inspiration to people in our family and families across the community. The FOCUS missionaries and their student disciples are living the sacramental life without fear and bringing the light of Christ to the darkness of our times.
At our university campus, we have four FOCUS missionaries (two women and two men) who have given their lives radically to Christ and His Holy Church. They disciple students to lead Bible studies and various community activities that evangelize to the Truth of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church. We are currently supporting two FOCUS missionary families in the United States by giving on a monthly basis, specifically for these two families. There are hundreds of FOCUS missionaries across the country (and now internationally!) that raise their own money for support of their mission work. If you are interested in finding a missionary to support with a one-time or an ongoing gift, go check them out at This has been the best investment we have ever made, both for the growth we have experienced in our own faith and for the fruit we have seen by Christ's work through FOCUS.
If you have any questions, or would like to know the names of some specific missionaries we know personally that you can support, send me an email at
Thursday, December 1, 2011
The New Translation of the Mass
People have different feelings about the changes from--it's about time to why did they do that? Change can be hard to take. But, I suspect in a year or two we will wonder what the fuss was about. We will find it hard to remember the change and how it all took place. The Mass is the Mass and the changes will take hold because the Holy Spirit will lead us.
I thought before we all forget, it might be a good idea to reflect upon the changes that have just occurred. When your grandchildren ask you, what story will you tell about your own experiences with the changes in the Mass?
I wanted to state for the record that this past Sunday, the first Sunday in Advent, felt awkward. I kept looking at the book for the words. At one point I searched desperately for the words to the Our Father and breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that it didn't change. And I already knew that, but somehow in panic, I forgot.
My very well prepared congregation did pretty well with the changes until we reached the Gospel and we were on a different page that had the readings and not the responses spelled out. When the Priest at that point said--The Lord be with you. We all in unison responded--And also with you. Even though we knew somewhere in the backs of our brains from all the practice that it was supposed to be--And with your spirit. If it hadn't been the Mass we might have had a little nervous laughter, but we just went on. It will be a learning experience.
I love some of the new language--'chalice' instead of 'cup' for example rings true. It will take a little longer for 'consubstantial' to come tripping off my tongue, but it will happen. Overall, very little has changed, it just feels a little different to say different words. As our priest said in his homily, the changes will get us back into the book and thinking about the words of the Mass. That can only be a good thing.
I would invite your comments about your experience with the changes. When something as monumental as changes to the words of the Mass occurs, it is worth taking notice and remembering how it happened.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The Invitation to Come And Follow
I wrote this brief reflection as part of my Advent Reflections last year on the Feast of St Andrew. I thought I would reprint it here this year to commemorate the feast of this Apostle this year.
The Invitation
John the Baptist pointed Andrew in the direction of the Messiah. Andrew went, found Jesus and responded to His call and invitation to "Come and follow me."
We too have been called and invited by Jesus. How can we answer and accept this invitation? Andrew's acceptance led him to the cross, quite literally. Our acceptance will lead us there as well in the particular way Jesus has chosen for each of us.
Jesus came into this world to save us. His becoming a man sanctifies our humanity.
Let us ask St Andrew to intercede for us and help us to answer the call and invitation of Christ to Come and follow, just as he did.
Lord Jesus,
Through the intercession of St Andrew, may we have the courage to hear your call and accept your invitation to come and follow You. May we never be afraid to proclaim You no matter the cost. May our preparations this Advent draw us closer to You.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Approaching the Sacrament of Confession

Some, maybe many, people have an ambivalent attitude towards the Sacrament of Penance (or Confession, or Reconciliation). I did for years. It was mainly because I didn't want to face certain things about myself and I was attached to certain sins I didn't want to give up. But all that changed one day when I made my mind up about something...
Monday, November 28, 2011
Looking down
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"We're checking how long it will take these people to thank God after they wake up from a night's sleep!"
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Quick Bytes #9: Change
"And all so with y .... I mean ... and with your spirit"
"And peace to His people on ... wait ... what?"
"We believe wait ... I believe ..."
"Lord I am not worthy to receive you ... huh? That changed too? ...."
"And all so ... with your spirit ... ah I give up"
Praying that change brings us all closer to the Lord, as we focus more on what we are saying, and less on habit.
(And I hope your first Mass with the new translation went smoother than mine!)
God Bless you.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Quick Bytes #8: The Day After Thanksgiving
We should spend just as much time today, tomorrow and the next day doing the same thing with the same emotion and passion.
God Bless.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
What's the point?
Can you imagine what it would be like if God only gave us a second chance?
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
My latest book
LIFE - It makes ME laugh!
Is available for you to download FREE from HERE
It is also available on AMAZON Kindle USA HERE
And in the UK HERE
Thank you and God bless.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Scripture Leads Us to Eternal Life
The end or fruit of Holy Scripture is not something restricted, but the fullness of eternal happiness. These writings which contain "the message of eternal life" (Jn 6:63) were written, not only that we might believe in, but also that we might possess that everlasting life in which we shall see, and love, and be fulfilled of all we desire. Then we shall really know that "love of Christ, which is beyond knowledge," and thus "be filled with the utter fullness of God" (Ephesians 3:19). . . . Such . . . must be our goal and our intent in studying and in teaching the Scriptures, and also in hearing them. . . . We must reach out in a spirit of pure faith to the Father of all light, and kneeling in our hearts, ask him to give us, through his Son and in the Holy Spirit, the true knowledge of Jesus Christ, and together with knowledge, love for him. By knowing and loving Christ, by being confirmed in faith and "planted in love" (Ephesians 3:17), we can know the breadth, length, and depth of Scripture, and, through such knowledge, attain unto the all-surpassing knowledge and measureless love which is the Blessed Trinity.
Please take this short hop to read a little more.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Quick Bytes #7: An Exercise
1) List your top 3 talents that our Lord has given you. If you need help, ask someone close to you.
2) Next to each talent, write one simple way you can use it to spread God's kingdom here on earth.
3) Take the first step to do each of those this week.
Remember, doing even the smallest thing is better than burying your gifts.
God Bless you.
P.S. Is writing one of your gifts? Become a guest blogger here!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Preparing to Prepare
This morning, that thought made me laugh; that I'm looking forward to the season of looking forward...I am preparing to prepare; anticipating the anticipation!
Advent is such a beautiful season; as are many in the Liturgical year.
One of my good blogging friends wrote that her goal for this year's Advent season is to "simplify" all ways: decor, activities, music...everything.
That sounds good.
It sounds right.
It sounds like just what I need.
You know the Scripture verse (Psalm 46:10) that says, "Be still and know that I am God"?
Well, all I have to do to feel peace inside is to THINK that verse. Have you ever noticed that?
Just pondering those words brings a quietness and restful joy to the soul.
This is how I see Advent.
A time to be still. A time to wait on the Lord. A time to rest in His quiet presence and look forward to the great celebration of the day of His birth.
Prepare our hearts, oh Lord; that we may right our paths and ready ourselves for Your coming!
For now, I will keep looking forward to looking forward.
Care to join me?
Friday, November 11, 2011
Burning in Hell
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"The Fall of the Damned" by Peter Paul Rubens |
Picture source
If I had my way, I would prefer to skip Purgatory. However, I realize that my soul is in need of a good cleansing and purging. Only after it is properly cleansed and purged of all impurities left behind by my many sins will I be deemed ready for Heaven. Even though I am not looking forward to spending time in Purgatory, I would hate to be a soul that damns his or herself to Hell.
The other day while baking cookies I carelessly touched the hot cookie sheet onto my arm. It immediately began to hurt and blister. Then yesterday, I carelessly went near the whistling of the tea kettle, burning my finger. Both times the pain was very intense.
That pain helped me to reflect on eternity.
Can you imagine what it will be like for the souls who up to the very end of their lives continued to reject God's love and mercy? Our loving Father will have given them every chance He could possibly give them to repent, to turn back into His loving arms. But these obstinate souls in their misguided pride will reject Him still again for the final time, and will go of their own volition, into the waiting arms of the Prince of Darkness and Father of Lies.
I am currently reading The End of the Present World and the Mysteries of the Future Life by Father Charles Arminjon*. He quotes an eminent yet nameless theologian regarding the resurrection of our bodies. It is my understanding that not only the sheep will have their bodies reunited with their soul but the goats will too.
"in the body of a man...there is both something essential and something secondary and accessory. The essential part is what he shares with no one, what he alone possess and will possess forever; it is the part of him that existed at the moment he was formed, animated and vivified by his soul. These essential elements he will always keep. They will always be his. The rest, that which is produced by nutrition, digestion, and assimilation, is not he. He can lose it, and does lose it, without ceasing to be himself. It will be with these essential, personal elements that God will resurrect the glorious, spiritual bodies, as also He will resurrect the immortal corruption of the damned. The soul being the same, the real kernel, the constitutive element remaining the same, the rest is of little importance and its identity will remain eternally...."
The above description of the body's resurrection seems to indicate that the damned will not only feel physical pain...actually agonizing physical pain of the burning fires of Hell, but that pain will never cease. It will be for all eternity. They will never have a respite from that agony. Yet even this endless torture will not compare to the spiritual pain they will feel knowing they have lost God's love forever because of their rejection, not of Satan and all his empty promises, but that of their loving creator.
Available through Sophia Press.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Easy Chaplet for the Poor Souls

OK, it's November and I keep having thoughts about the Holy Souls in purgatory and how much they need us. I picked up this chaplet from Father Mark Kirby's blog, Vultus Christi, a couple of years ago and posted about it at my blog with some commentary. I thought many readers of this blog would like to have it, too.
The more I study and contemplate the Poor Souls, the more I want to do for them. Reading St. Catherine of Genoa's work on purgatory has given me the desire to grow in charity through remembering them in my prayers. So here is the easy chaplet for the Poor Souls you can say anytime you want:
V. Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Thy Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the lamb without blemish or spot (1 Ps 1:19)
R. For the refreshment and deliverance of the souls in Purgatory
(One can add here, especially those of my family, or of my ancestry, or of priests. The Holy Spirit sometimes moves one to pray for particular groups of Holy Souls.)
Ten times on the small beads:
V. By Thy Precious Blood, O Jesus –
R. Purify and deliver their souls.
After having said five decades, one concludes with:
V. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
R. And let perpetual light shine upon them.
V. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen.
If you have the opportunity to pass this on in your parishes or families, I'm sure the Holy Souls in purgatory will be very happy.Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
On Vocations
I am not shamelessly promoting my blog here, but I am shamelessly promoting information about what vocations are, what they are not, the meaning of vocation, and how to discern what one's vocation is. Perhaps in the following posts you might find something helpful for yourself, your kids, or a friend.
Distinct Vocations
Vocations Are Not...
Discerning One's Vocation
I think that if people understood the meaning of vocation earlier in life, they would experience a lot fewer false starts and a lot less confusion and suffering. Plus, we all could appreciate the gifts God bestows on the world through the callings He gives to each one of us.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Quick Bytes #6: Ordinary Things
"The Saints were people who did ordinary things in extraordinary ways."
It was almost like he was daring us to contemplate why we couldn't be one someday ...
Friday, November 4, 2011
Why the Catholic Church Prays for the Dead
The doctrine of purgatory is ancient in terms of earth time. Because there are non-Catholics in my family who dispute the doctrine, I wrote an article that I hoped would help explain better where our doctrine of purgatory originates and how it is referenced in the Bible. In the process I learned a lot myself. If you'd like to read more, check out
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Spiritual Direction
Then one day something I call an alligator arrived in my life and this alligator was all wrapped up in the church and my family and my life. It doesn't really matter what the alligator was, it became a spiritual crisis for me. I was confused and angry and I could see no clear path. The alligator seemed to be something that was derailing me from the clear path to Heaven that I was trying to follow in my life. I had a friend or two who went to someone for spiritual direction and I had talked to them about direction. Someone to talk through the alligator situation with was what I needed. Perhaps what I needed was spiritual direction.
Most diocese, I am told, have lists of spiritual directors. All you have to do is ask. Priests also serve as directors and will often serve people beyond their own parishioners. As a woman, I decided that I really wanted to talk to a woman and I was able to find one whom I talk to monthly. I pay her what I can. This is not something covered by insurance. An advantage to having a priest as director is that he can hear your confession and adminster the sacrament as part of the direction session.
I suppose every director is different. In my direction we discuss what is going on in my prayer life and my life. Sometimes she will recommend a book or a particular way to pray. This month she has suggested that I meditate on one of the Stations of the Cross. She prays over me. We meet for about an hour. Once we went to Mass together. I have done a lot of crying in her office and laughing. I often say, she makes me cry, but the truth is, I make myself cry as the hurts and things that I have held inside come spilling out. Christ is there with us in Spiritual Direction.
Spiritual Direction, I heard at a conference, is a growing need within the Church. More and more people want and need spiritual directors. There are several programs to train more directors out there. I don't know if I would agree that everyone needs a director, but if you feel like you might, I would encourage you to seek a director out. It is one more help to get you out of the way of the alligators who are trying to derail you on the path to Heaven. Are not we all trying to become saints?
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Cupcake Faith
When I was a little girl I remember eating only the frosting off of a cupcake. I thought that was the best part and really didn't care about the cake part. That was all well and good for my sweet tooth, but it didn't really fill me up.
The same could be said for the spiritual life; we often look for the sweet frosting of consolation. Consolations are wonderful when God gives them, but that feeling doesn't last. The saints as well as any spiritual director worth his or her salt will tell you not to rely and base your faith on feelings. We need to be emptied so that we can be filled with God's presence. This is what happens to us and for us in the Eucharist. Jesus makes Himself present on the altar through His ministerial priests, and we are invited to approach Him, receive Him and be filled with Him in Holy Communion.
I found the following reflection over at My Daily Eucharist. It speaks to this emptiness that we long to fill and what we should desire in filling it. Just like my childhood cupcake~faith isn't just about the frosting.
The Blessed Eucharist: Our Greatest Treasure
~Fr. Michael Muller, C.S.S.R
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The Narrow Gate
The word "strive" in this verse from today's Gospel gives me incredible hope because it speaks directly to my many imperfections, my daily struggles, while also encouraging me continue to stay strong and focused on the teachings of Christ.
It is so easy to get off track everyday because we meet so much opposition to the truth. But we must pray for an increase of faith. We must believe that Christ's death was for each of us, individually. We must continue to get up every time we fall and strive to enter the narrow gate.
What God longs for us to do is to live in the truth Jesus reveals. This means believing in God's absolute, unconditional love, not in a notional way but one that transforms our attitudes and whole approach to life.1
O sweet Savior Christ, in your undeserved love for us you were prepared to suffer the painful death of the cross: let me not be cold or even lukewarm in my love for you.
Lord help me to face the truth about myself. Help me to hear my words as others hear them, To see my face as others see me; Let me be honest enough to recognize my impatience and conceit;
Let me recognize my anger and selfishness; Give me sufficient humility to accept my own weakness for what they are. Give me the grace – at least in your presence – to say. ‘I was wrong – forgive me.’
God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, increase in us faith and truth and gentleness and grant us part and lot among the saints.
— St. Polycarp 69-115
Note: 1 Sister Ruth Burrows, O.C.D.
Daily Grace
Monday, October 24, 2011
A question of forgiveness.
But what if the person who has hurt us does not seek forgiveness, is not repentant and does not show any remorse whatsoever? In fact, what if that person revels in what they have done and boasts about it?
What then?
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Quick Bytes #5: A Pie Chart
I mean, the average American spends 2.7 hours a day watching TV, 1.1 hours online, and 7.5 hours working.
Surely squeezing in an hour with God is pretty good, no?
Until you realize that, if we are awake for 16 hours a day, this is what that looks like:
I never did like pie charts.
God Bless.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Refraining from Doing Good?

Today's lesson from the rule of St. Benedict speaks of doing something good with a pure intention; that is, with zeal for God's glory.
Father Gerard Ellspermann, O. S. B. of St. Meinrad's Abbey writes in his reflection for today:
Is it possible that many good people refrain from doing good simply because they experience temptations of pride in their good works?
He concludes that the answer is yes. Especially when one is talented and the work undertaken will come to notice either publicly or within the Catholic community. When the necessary work goes against the grain of the established mind set, such as the establishment of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite where it currently doesn't exist, both pride and fear of criticism can come into play. "What will people say?" has killed more than one good work.
Father Gerard goes on to say:
I am reminded of the example of St. Bernard of Clairvaux who one day ascended the pulpit to preach. He was assailed with temptations of pride, since he was an eloquent preacher. But he said to himself, "I did not begin this for the devil -- and I'm not going to stop for him." And he did preach an eloquent sermon.
I love St. Bernard's statement. If we examine our consciences concerning our undertakings, both within the context of our vocations and within the context of our duty to participate in the action of Christ for the salvation of souls, and if we can truthfully say what St. Bernard said, then we cannot refrain from doing good. We cannot refrain from doing our best in our daily duties at work or at home with a pure heart, regardless of being misunderstood or suffering from the jealousies and mean-spiritedness of others.
"That in all things God may be glorified" is the litmus test against pride and pusillanimous rejection of the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We only need to look good to God and follow in the footsteps of our Master.