Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Spiritually Adopt a Priest

Our priests need prayers.  Priests are challenged as satan seeks to tempt them and devour their souls. They are the first line of attack that satan wages on our church.  He knows that without our priests, we have no sacraments.  We have no Eucharist.   Evil seeks to destroy our church.  Without priests, we have no church.  They are the roots of the vine that Jesus planted when he chose Peter as our first Pope and the apostles as our first priests.  Without prayer, priests are unarmed in a world of sin.  We need to pray for our priests! 

I offer this suggestion when praying for priests.  Adopt a priest for a year or for a life time.  Pray for that priest.  Pray for him as if he were one of your family, one of your children.  Gather together as a family and pray a rosary for your priest.  When you cannot gather together, pray for this priest yourself.  Offer three Hail Mary's a day for him.  He is one of our Mother's beloved sons.  Offer up your sufferings for him.  Pray for his strength.  Pray that he have a burning love for souls.  Pray that he be given energy when he's tired.  Pray for him to see Jesus in every soul.

Read more at "His Unending Love.

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