Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jay Leno is a Catholic?

A friend informed me, today, that Jay Leno is a "devout Catholic who is very outspoken in his Faith".

With all due respect to Mr. Leno, this really surprised me.

I was stunned that someone who has spent their entire career "talking trash" and "feeding the depraved desires of the flesh" of the millions of "voyeurs" who wish to "get a little piece of the action" of Hollywood, sex, drugs, gossips, and politically-correctness, would be a "devout Catholic".

This caused me to wonder something; which is why I am posting it the hopes that you will share your thoughts with me.

It caused me to wonder how a person could justify a career that is so wrought with outward sinfulness and sometimes base and offensive words and/or actions that clearly contradict God's ways.

It caused me to wonder, further, if people, "in general", consider God and their career as co-existing. By this, I mean, doesn't everyone (at least all Christians and most especially "devout" Catholics) ask themselves if the job they are accepting is going to "jive" with their beliefs, convictions, and faith?

Or, is it just me?

Have I taken for granted that we should always make sure the employment we choose is not offensive to God; or, does not have a tendency to lead people astray?

I have been confronted with topics before where the answer was "less than clear" for me; such as:

I have a friend whose husband is a driver for a delivery service. He is a Christian. Well, very often, the packages he delivers to people's doorsteps contain their monthly subscriptions or bulk orders of pornography. My friend's husband needs his livelihood; obviously. They have family to support.
He is the driver. He does not read the materials. Yet, he feels AWFUL every time he leaves this garbage on someone's front porch. Usually, the way he has been able to deal with it, is that he prays for the resident of the home; that he/she will be convicted to stop using pornography and turn their hearts toward the Lord.

I honestly think I'd have to find another job. But, I speak out of turn because I've never been the sole bread-winner for a growing family; so, I don't really know WHAT I'd do in that situation.

Anyway, that's a bit of a divergence from Mr. Leno; however, not really, because it's sort of all lumped together under "What is our obligation, as Catholics, when it comes to the careers we choose...and/or do we HAVE any obligation, to begin with"?

What say you?


  1. Judy,
    Thank you for posting this. You raise a very important matter and one that I am sure plays on the hearts of many. Personally, I agree greatly with you. The true testament of our faith is living in the world and still seeking to glorify Him through everything we do. It becomes quite complicated for some as they are faced with their work duties etc. I feel that every person will treat this according to where they are at on their spiritual journey and their faith. It is difficult to begin saying what is "expected" as a Catholic in the workplace/world...However, in saying this I think to be a Catholic is so much more than simply saying "I am a devout Catholic", and then carry on in an environment without a fuss about what may be "sinful" in the surroundings...I feel that we do have a responsibility in our knowledge of Christ, the Catholic faith, and the Saints to work where we are at with the faith that we have in order to always let His light show. I do not mean ranting and raving in an evangelical type of manner, however, I do feel that when something does not "sit right" or causes us to cringe we truly need to discern whether that is a moment for us to speak, or one to be humble in silence and prayer. I believe we are responsibile through speech, our silence, and our actions. We are called to be wittnesses and to truly exude something different than what is around us. I feel that if we are honest with ourselves, honest before the Lord and seek to glorify Him in all of our dealings we will only be able to exude the faith that is within us. To an extent we must, to some degree be mindful of the careers we choose.In saying that, there is also the realization that no matter where we find ourselves there will always be contention to our faith and our beliefs. We must truly offer up the vocation of our careers in prayer to see where God is leading us. It is important to remember of course, that the Eternal Kingdom is not purchased by the means of our bank account, social status, and career successes. "To whom much is given. much is expected", as Scripture reminds us. Let us also remember that our "obligation" as a Catholic person is to truly be "Catholic" and not just before the Tabernacle. When we understand that our job within our job is to be who we are in Christ, and let Him work through us, we will find that we can be a true witness to our faith. In all of our duties may we seek to always glorify Him.

  2. WOW, Celeste. This is an awesome response. Thank you so much. You have shared thoughts in a very eloquent, truthful, and insightful manner. MUCH food for thought here. God bless you!

  3. I so enjoyed Celeste's comment too! I would never have thought Jay Leno was a Catholic, perhaps a non-practicing one but not a devout one. He probably knows that his audience wouldn't be open to his views on church, morals, families, relationships...etc.

    I did turn down a chance at a job because I wasn't comfortable with it. It was a job in an infertility center and part of the job requirement was to call patients and see "what they wanted to do with their eggs."

    Bottom line is, what do we think God will say to us about the jobs that we had? Can we hold our head up or will we be ashamed?

    Judy~ I do like that your friend prays for the recipients of the porno deliveries. If I were him, I might sprinkle some holy water on it too!
