Imagine a place you’ve never seen before, a place you might not have
believed was real. A place covered in a mist so thick that you cannot
see your hands or your feet, yet, it’s solid and real. Imagine a place
of great suffering, filled with the cries of longing, moaning, and
groaning, but a place of incredible joy! Imagine a place where, before
you entered, you had seen the Face of God, and now, your longing for
God causes such great pain, you fear your heart will break. Imagine a
place where the pain is so great, you know that if the skin was burned
off your body, leaving only raw nerves exposed to the air, you would
feel less pain. Imagine a place where a fire burns so coldly that the
pain caused to your body by a hot flame would be a welcome respite.
time for merit is over when we die. We know that God is a God of great
Mercy. What we often forget is that God is a God of Justice, too.
Justice must be met by each of us in our judgment. One of the gifts of
God’s Mercy, in the expiation of our sins, is Purgatory. Purgatory is a
place of final cleansing for our souls, so that one day, when we have
paid our debt to our merciful and loving God, we will meet Him face to
face, never again fearing Hell, but knowing that we are safe and in
Paradise. satan is no longer a threat to our immortal souls. We
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His Unending Love