I hope you like it.
Listen specially for the short monologue in the middle.
God bless.
Vic Moubarak
For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them. ~Matt. 18:20
Every moment of our lives is permeated with the Presence that loves and bestows. To live in faith, means to be able to see this loving and constantly bestowing Presence. . . . Every moment of our lives brings us His presence. Every moment of your life is a moment of meeting with the Presence, that is loving you. . . . . God links grace to each moment, be it an easy or a difficult one. . . . everything that happens in your life, is linked with some kind of grace. . . . It is extremely important for you to believe in this constant Presence which manifests itself in various ways. . . . If you would believe that you are always immersed in the merciful love of God, who never abandons you, then it is certain that you would never fall.Everything that you experience is linked to the love of God who loves you, and to His desire for your good. (See Romans 8:28) -- Father Tadeusz Dajczer in The Gift of Faith under "To Perceive the Loving Presence" in chapter 1.
Tout est grace. Translated: Everything is grace. -- St. Therese of the Child Jesus.
There is not a moment in which God does not present Himself under the cover of some pain to be endured, of some consolation to be enjoyed, or of some duty to be performed. All that takes place within us, around us, or through us, contains and conceals His divine action. . . . The books the Holy Spirit is writing are living, and every soul a volume in which the divine author makes a true revelation of his word, explaining it to every heart, unfolding it in every moment.― Jean-Pierre de Caussade, The Sacrament of the Present MomentSome moments are easier to perceive God's presence, in us and in those we love. Moments like holding your newborn, or just a newborn, especially a newly baptized newborn. Moments when we feel our hearts stirring within us (see Luke 24:32) while reading Scripture, or hearing the preaching of someone filled and in prayer and communion with the Holy Spirit. Moments when we are blessed to experience the holy death of someone passing from this world into eternal life to behold forever the beautiful and glorious presence and to feel the embrace of our awesome and loving God.
The Holy Spirit is like our own personal trainer, but instead of honing our physique, he polishes our love, our holiness, our very hearts. Unfortunately, we often forget about him. He is polite, he knows he is only a guest, because even though he created us, he completely respects our freedom. And so he waits for us to listen to him, to ask him for guidance and strength. And if we listen, he will teach us, just as Christ taught his disciples during those years when they walked together through the hills of Galilee and Judah.Then he provides a prayer for us to offer to our indwelling guest, the Holy Spirit of God:
Wherever I go, you are with me. Whatever I do or say, you are with me. Whatever I look at or think about, you are there within me. I believe in you. Yet I have to ask: Why am I not more aware of you? Grant me that grace, Lord --teach me never to walk alone.
I believe in you, Lord, but help me to believe more fully. Help me to believe so completely that my life and yours become one. In all my activities, conversations, and relationships, I want to live and communicate the joy and peace that only you can give.My personal prayer:
If you would believe that you are always immersed in the merciful love of God, who never abandons you, then it is certain that you would never fall. -- Father Tadeusz Dajczer in The Gift of Faith under "To Perceive the Loving Presence" in chapter 1.If you have repented, and have experienced God's presence, and you are in a "state of grace" then you should be confident that the Holy Spirit is with you, and that you are immersed in the merciful love of God who never abandons you, even when you are sinning, and even when you have sinned. What is affected if you are not in the state of grace, is your ability to perceive his holy, loving, life-giving, and wise presence. What should you do if you don't think you are in the state of grace? The Didache, an early Christian document written about 70 A.D. (70 years after Jesus was born, in the 1st Century) states regarding Holy Communion:
"Whosoever is holy [i.e., in a state of sanctifying grace], let him approach. Whosoever is not, let him repent (Didache 10). . . But first make confession of your faults, so that your sacrifice may be a pure one" (Didache 14).
Don't let temptation frighten you. God wants to test and strengthen your soul by it and gives you the strength to overcome it at the same time. Up till now your life has been that of a child but from now on our Lord wants to treat you like an adult. However, the trials of adults are far superior to those of a child and that is why you are so upset to begin with. But the life of your soul will quickly settle down; it won't delay. Be patient a little longer and all will be well.
Certain people, places, or things may be occasions of sin for us. If possible we must avoid them. But sometimes, as with people we live or work with every day, we are forced to interaction. In that case, if we are feeling anxious or fearful because we know a certain person triggers a negative, sinful, reactive response in us, we must change something in ourselves. We must stop giving these people the power to control our emotions. This is where St. Pio points us to the use of our free will and the practice of virtue.
So let all these empty forebodings drop. Remember that it isn't the Evil One's suggestions that put you in the wrong but rather your consent to those suggestions. Our free will is the only thing capable of good and evil. But when our will is groaning under the trials inflicted on us by the Tempter and does not desire what he proposes, then not only is it not a fault but it is a virtue.
Take care not to fall into anxiety when you are struggling against these temptations because that only serves to strengthen them. You have to treat them with scorn and not worry yourself about them. Turn your thoughts to Jesus crucified, his body laid to rest in your arms, and say: “Here is my hope, the source of my joy! I bind myself to you with all my soul and will not leave you until you have set me safe.